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Or what does HARVARD say about CBD?

We trace our blog to a stretch of a Harvard Health Publishing publication where we review everything we know about CBD.

O cannabidiol (CBD) has recently been covered in the means of communication, and it is possible that I have seen as an additional complement to your smoothie or morning coffee after the trial. Or what exactly is CBD? Why is suddenly popular tão?

What is the difference between cannabidiol and marijuana?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevalent ingredient of cannabis (marijuana). Embora o CBD seja um componente essencial da marihuana medicinal, é derivamente directamente da planta de cânhamo, que é da família da planta de marijuana. Embora o CBD seja um componente da marihuana (um entre hundenas), por só não causa “euphoria”. Second in a report from the World Health Organization, “Human beings, the CBD does not present effects that indicate a potential for abuse or dependency… Até à data, there is no evidence of problems related to public health associated with the use of pure CBD”.

The evidence of benefits for the health of cannabis

There are clinical studies that indicate that CBD can treat anxiety, and for patients who suffer from insônia, the studies suggest that CBD can help both to numb and to maintain sleep (https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/supplementing-your-sleep).

CBD can offer an option to treat different types of chronic pain. A study from the European Journal of Pain showed that, using an animal model, CBD applied to the skin could help reduce the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Another study of the DNA is inflammatory and neuropathic, two types of chronic pain that are more difficult to treat. São necessários mais estudos em humanos nesta área para fundamentar as afirmações dos defensores do CBD sobre o controle da dor.

Is it safe or CBD?

Em primeiro lugar, assure-se that the product that buys tem aqueles componentes exatos pelos quais o está comprando. Verifique se pode acessar as análises dos produtos que quer acquirer. CBD is not toxic, but you can interact with other medications that you are taking at the time, so it is better to ask your doctor before.


Precisamos de mais pesquisa, mas o CBD pode ser uma opção para controlar certos problemas.


Bibliografia e Fontes Digitais



SOUTHERN PHARMA SPAIN S.L will not assume any responsibility derived from the use by third parties of the content of the site and may exert all the civil ações or penalties that correspond to it in case of infringement of these rights by the user. It is absolutely probidido o uso do site ou de algum de seus elementos para fins ilícitos. The benefits and properties of CBD that can be sold on www.gorillagrillz.com site, in no case is attributed to products that are sold on site. CBD products are not medicines or should replace treatments with these. O que pode ler no nosso site não são afirmações médicas oficiais, mas sim referências a estudos pré-clinicos. Se tiver qualquer dúvida, pode consultar com um profissional de saúde. We recommend that in Portugal CBD products are for topical use. All products have THC<0.2% analyses in accordance with Decree-Law 1729/1999.

SOUTHERN PHARMA SPAIN S.L no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad derivada del uso por terceros del contenido del sitio web y podrá ejercitar todas las acciones civiles o penales que le correspondan en caso de infracción de estos derechos por parte del usuario. Está absolutamente prohibido, el uso del sitio web o de alguno de sus elementos con fines ilícitos. Los beneficios y propiedades de cbd que se pudieran leer en la web www.gorillagrillz.com , en ningún caso se atribuyen a los productos que se venden en la web. Los productos de CBD no son medicamentos ni deben sustituir los tratamientos con estos. Lo que puedes leer en nuestra web no son afirmaciones médicas oficiales sino referencias a estudios preclínicos. Si tienes cualquier duda, puedes consultar con un personal sanitario profesional. Te recordamos que en España los productos de CBD son de uso tópico. Todos los productos tienen analíticas de THC<0.2% de acuerdo al real decreto 1729/1999.

David Vázquez

Head Ecommerce CBD Sector for more than 10 years

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